Spectral Phasor
Phasor approach is powerful technique for visualization and analysis of lifetime and spectral images. The spectra are mapped into a 2D plot according to their emission maximum and spectral widths. Unmixing, segmentation and visualisation becomes easier.

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Example 1
This example shows the method for segmentation based on reciprocal transformation
and unmixing of three components. To start...
By Farzad Fereidouni

Example 2
This example shows the method for unmixing of three components by making a triangle
on phasor plot. The vertices of this triangle refers to phasor of pure components...
By Farzad Fereidouni

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An article on phasor approach -
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Molecular Biophysics Utrecht
Biophysics Utrecht - Blablab
Understanding Matter, One Molecule At A Time -
BioImaging Utrecht
Website Builder Software & Tools - SimFCS
Globals Software for Spectroscopy and Images

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